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Introducing alternative, commercial entertainment #AnotherWay.
All TSGO events showcase the best local artists and foster a thoughtful dialog around sustainability in the Arts.
Introducing alternative, commercial entertainment #AnotherWay.
All TSGO events showcase the best local artists and foster a thoughtful dialog around sustainability in the Arts.
The Show Goes On Productions Presents
A Rock Musical Reading Series
Tues., Nov. 29 - Thurs. Dec. 8th, 2011
The Mint Space, Theatre Three
311 West 43rd Street, 3rd Floor
Tues., Nov. 29th @ 4:30pm
Wed., Nov. 30th @ 8pm
Wed., Dec. 7th @ 8pm
Thurs., Dec. 8th @ 4:00pm
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Save the Robots
Book by Rob Susman and Ed Katz and Music by Hagatha, Lyrics by Clark Render, Arrangements by Rob Susman
Wed., Nov. 30 @ 8:00pm
A Sus4Music and Katnip Marketing production.
Featuring: Andre Softelend, Paulie Z, Georgia Haege, Tatiana Moroz, Collette McLafferty, Erica Ether, Linnea Larsdotter, Jason Sadie, and Christina Saragaglia
A scientist creates a new race of intelligent beings but quickly ends up in a race to save them from extinction. Save the Robots is based on Karel Capeks 1920 ground breaking play R.U.R. and the astounding lyrics of Clark Render. It showcases the music of Hagatha, one of C.B.G.B.s featured bands in the late 1980s. The title refers to the East Village night club of the 1980s and the culture and scene it nurtured. Set in the future on a remote planet, the story is one of a reluctant hero who tries to save a race of beings from people who do not understand them and attempt to eradicate them.
Runtime: 1:30 with one intermission.
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