Introducing alternative, commercial entertainment #AnotherWay.
All TSGO events showcase the best local artists and foster a thoughtful dialog around sustainability in the Arts.
Introducing alternative, commercial entertainment #AnotherWay.
All TSGO events showcase the best local artists and foster a thoughtful dialog around sustainability in the Arts.
Finding Balance Past Topics
July 17th: Disillusionment: Dig Deeper or Dig Out
July 10th: The Nature of Creativity: Subjective Imagination or Objective Reality
June 30th: Web 3.0 Jump Ahead or Hold Back
June 26th: Google's Sentient AI: To whistleblow or suffer the consequences?
June 19th: Father's Day 2022: Fathers and Mothers
June 5th: Art vs Algorithm
May 29th: Amendment vs. Permanence
May 22nd: Creativity in Liminal Times: Routine vs. Liminality
May 15th: Inflation & the New Economics: Conversation vs. Confrontation
May 8th: Processing Wetiko The Dream State vs Consciousness
May 1st: Twitter & Social media: Public vs. Private Spaces
April 24th: Time Management Giving vs Collecting
April 17th: The Culture Wars Agitation vs. Discipline
April 3rd: Will Smith Thinking Ahead vs. Damage Control
March 27: Human Sustainability vs Earth's Sustainability
March 20th: In-person vs virtually connected
March 13th: Underwater vs. Land-dwelling
March 6th: Nature vs. Nurture
Feb. 27th: "I Don't Know": Useful Distractions vs. Ego's Distractions
Feb. 20th: Angry Power vs. Empowered Anger
Feb. 13th: Acknowledging Sacred Land w/guest co-host Kate Spencer
Feb. 6th: Year of the Tiger
Jan. 30th: Emotional Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence
Jan. 23rd: Development vs Stagnation
Jan. 16th: Numbers vs. Letters
Jan. 9th: Revivals vs. Originals
Jan. 2nd, 2022: Authenticity vs. Broken Systems
Dec. 19th: Wildcard Night
Dec. 12th: Water: chemical or esoteric?
Dec. 5th: The Media: Arbiters of Justice or Injustice?
Nov. 14th Artists vs. Management: Astroworld Music Festival tragedy
Nov. 7th: Time vs. Money: Shooting on the set of Alec Baldwin's 'Rust'
Oct. 24th: The Great Resignation: Work for Money or Work for Purpose?
Oct. 17th: Music, Time vs. Memory: Tony Bennett Performs w/ Alzheimer's
Oct. 10th: Social Media: Connecting or Isolating?
Oct. 3rd: The Legacy of History, Fact or Fiction?
Sept. 26th: The future of entertainment
Sept.19th: Gathering vs. Avoidance
Sept. 12th: K-pop vs. America
Sept. 5th: Wildcard Night
Aug. 22nd: Aging: Dying or Living?
Aug. 15th: Simone Biles: Mental Illness or the Road Less Traveled?
Aug. 8th: Nuclear Waste: Disposal or Termination?
Aug. 1st: Is Street Art for Art or Advertising?
July 25th: Climate Change: Doomed to Destroy or Poised for Evolution?
July 18th: Space Travel: Freedom vs. Disillusionment
July 11th: Wildcard Night
June 27th: The Cheetos Guy, Authenticity vs. Artistic License
June 13th: Psychedelics, for Recreation or Therapy?
June 6th: Britney Spears' Conservator, Family vs. Work
May 16th: Deepfakes, for Entertainment or Deception?
May 9th: Natural power vs. Man-made
May 2nd: Elon Musk's SpaceX vs. Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin
April 25th: Religion vs Spirituality
April 18th: Netflix's first movie franchise, Streaming vs. Theaters
April 11th, 2021: NFTs, for Artists or Crypto Traders?